Eagle Scout 29 Mile Tank Project

Friday, September 27 the Arizona Elk Society started and finished a weekend project at 29 Mile Tank just east of the Hwy 260 and Hwy 87 junction. A few volunteers showed up Friday midday and helped get camp set up for the coming weekend. It took a couple of hours to get everything ready, and then we headed to the meadow to cut some feet for the fence we were going to build on the following day. The type of fence we were building is a log worm fence, and the feet go underneath the main logs to keep them off of the ground. The reason we were building a fence around this tank is because OHV were getting in the meadow and had built a racetrack around the edge of the tank from constant use. We wanted to restrict OHV travel into this meadow, and this tank had been identified by the AZGFD as a problem area. After cutting the feet, we returned to the camp for the evening and grilled up some burgers before settling down around a campfire. This project was a scout project to help Max H. get his Eagle Scout project accomplished. So as the evening wore on, the troop started showing up at camp.

Saturday, we woke up and had breakfast burritos before Max gave a safety meeting. He was in charge of this project with my guidance and did an excellent job. He had assembled teams for various jobs and did a great job keeping everyone busy throughout the project. This was a small fence build, and as always, log worm fence builds go quickly. By the time lunch rolled around, we had finished the fence. The total length of this fence was 280 yards long. The troop worked hard to get this job done quickly. We headed back to camp and had lunch, then for the afternoon we all hung around camp chatting and getting to know each other. Scouts played games, chess being the most popular. For supper we had marinara/alfredo before retiring to the campfire for the night. At the campfire, the scout troop had a flag retirement ceremony, which was really inspirational to watch, and then they turned in for the night.

Sunday morning, we got up and had breakfast before packing up camp and heading back down the hill. We had 30 volunteers on this trip, and we would like to congratulate Max on his achievement of this Eagle Scout project.

If you know of a scout who is need of getting a project done in the near future, please contact us. We have plenty of opportunities next year and we enjoy working with troops. Also, if you are interested in helping out on any of our habitat projects, please email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.